SUZUKI engine corporation obtains turnover pluses of over 15%

The Suzuki engine corporation has its conversion in the financial year run off 2006/07 (01 April 2006 to 31. March 2007) increased by 15,2 per cent on 3,164 billion Yen (19.4 billion euro). 8. Record result in consequence is to be due particularly to the high demand for vehicles and motorcycles on the foreign markets. While the conversion rose outside of Japan around considerable 20.9 per cent, a turnover plus could be obtained by 4,2 per cent in the homeland market. The Japanese tradition enterprise grew particularly dynamically in Europe (+ 34.3 per cent).

To 7. The operational operating result improved times one behind the other. With an increase around 16,7 per cent 132.9 billion Yen (810 millions euro) could be obtained. The enterprise increased the net profit in the sixth year in consequence on now 75.01 billion Yen (460 millions euro). This corresponds to an increase in relation to the period last year of 13,7 per cent. Behind these numbers the sales of 3,065 million motorcycles and universe terrain Vehicles stand (Quads) as well as 2.22 millions cars.

Also for the current financial year the company put itself ambitionierte growth goals: The number of the sold automobiles is to rise around 8,2 per cent to 2,405 millions, the motorcycle sales is around 22 per cent to 3,743 millions to add.

World-wide the mobility enterprise created 4,712 new places, so that to 31. March altogether 45,510 persons for the three divisions of automobiles, motorcycle and navy were active.

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