HHO/ Browns Gas, Water Fuel Cells, What's all this stuff about?

HHO/ Browns Gas, Water Fuel Cells, What's all this stuff about?
by Stephen Lessey
Whenever you hear the topic of cars and the economy, almost immediately you hear grunt that follows "these gas prices" and quite frankly no one can really blame you. So then, we try to find resources or anything at all that will at least aide us at the pump. Many of us have heard all the rage of fueling your car with water. It's all over the TV, Magazines, and newspapers.The media eats this stuff up. But then you're thinking, what exactly is this water for gas or HHO nonsense anyway? And how does it work? The first process in understanding what happens is to understand that this article is just to inform you on how the entire process of HHO gas works, without being to technical. Ok, so let's get on to it.
What is HHO?
If you fell asleep in Chemistry class, consider this a crash course for dummies. We all have heard of Oxygen (O) and Hydrogen (H). If you put these two gases together we get what health professionals tell us to drink 8 times a day: water. However, when these two gases are combined in a "special way" it transforms into a new gas called HHO or browns gas. This "special way" takes the two gases Hydrogen and Oxygen out of water (H20) and transforms it into HHO by using electrolysis. An electrolysis is a word that means "breaking down" with electricity, and that is exactly what it does, break down water molecules into their components: hydrogen and oxygen. HHO is different than water because it is not bonded to create a molecule which in this explanation is water. You see, since Hydrogen and Oxygen are both gases, and are not bonded together, the result remains a gas when water (H2O) is broken down.
Run That By Me Again!
o Water is taken into the electrolysis chamber and broken down. There it is broken down into hydrogen and oxygen.
o The two gases, hydrogen and oxygen, form a gas called HHO.
o HHO, which has an enormous amount of potential energy stored in it, gets burned. Since hydrogen combustion is more efficient than gasoline combustion, a bigger percentage of the produced energy becomes motion energy that your car uses to run.
How does it Work?
In order for the process of electrolysis to work, we need a power source, your cars battery. Your engines compartment contains a cell where HHO gas being made through electrolysis. That HHO gas goes through a tube into the intake of your vehicles engine. When the HHO gas gets in contact with your engine's intake, it can only supplement the gasoline that you regularly buy. The results of this combination, is simple: more mileage. Think about it. If burning gasoline isn't as affective as burning HHO gas, then combining them would only increase your miles per gallon.
The Bottom Line
Using the HHO process might seem a little complicated to most, but rest assured it's not. Neither is it a new technology, just a new application that is being used by people around the world. There a literally hundreds of thousands of people who are already using their cars, as a full water vehicle or hybrid of water and gas. If you are serious about taking control on gas expenses, at least be open minded on the alternatives out there.

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