Keen Demand for DIY Hydrogen Kits for Cars : hydrogen cars review 2010

Keen Demand for DIY Hydrogen Kits for Cars
by James Larkin

There’s a global boom going on in the motor vehicle field as increasing numbers of motorists convert their vehicles with hydrogen car kits.The system is often referred to as “running your car on water”.
It uses water to produce HHO (also known as Hydroxy or Brown Gas). It provides greatly increased fuel consumption, more power and improved performance. The end product is water so there is clear emission.
The kit works on gas or diesel powered cars, vans, trucks and SUVs. The conversion is safe, fast and easy to do. All that is needed is a conversion manual. The parts for the kit can be easily purchased for less than $100 at local hardware and auto stories.
The HHO system is easily reversible and does not void auto manufacturers’ warranties.
With new car sales currently at a low it is likely even more current vehicle owners will take advantage of the savings offered by the hydrogen conversion kit.
The new hydrogen powered cars produced by auto manufacturers are expensive. Critics says they are possibly dangerous because they store hydrogen in high pressure tanks. There is also the problem of getting hydrogen supplies at service stations and the possible polluting effects of manufacturing hydrogen.
The hydrogen car kits however provide hydrogen as the car needs it, rather than in storage tanks. The combustible gas is safe because it is extracted as needed and burned steadily from the water, unlike larger volumes of pure hydrogen which are highly flammable.
I’ve seen some service station operators offering to do the conversion for $1000 which I think is a bit steep when you consider you can do it yourself for less than $100, plus the cost of the instruction manual.
The instructions manuals can cost hundreds of dollars but I’ve been shopping around.
The very best deal I’ve seen for a Hydrogen Car Kit instruction manual is a special sales price of only $67 which has got be the cheapest on the Net.
Believe it or not it comes in 24 languages, with a money back guarantee and various very useful extras. The company even provides tax forms for you to claim government rebate for running a green car.
But it’s not just the cool instruction manual price. Also their system is more powerful than most and they provide good long term back-up support.
I believe this whole current conversion scene is all part of global automotive history. It’s ironic that while giant car companies are almost collapsing because they have done little to keep pace with the times, ordinary people using a few dollars and some initiative are leaving them standing. So if you want to save like 50 per cent on fuel costs, boost your vehicle performance, reduce vehicle emissions and help prevent global warming get a kit.
There is also another possibility. You could start a full or part-time business doing hydrogen car kit conversions yourself. I think the company concerned would probably be supportive of that.
Something to think about in these hard economic times. You would save heaps on your own fuel costs and make money installing the kits for other people.
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